24 Sep 2024, 19:40

Labors, lawyers and experts for amending EPZ Labour Act, 2019

DHAKA, Sept 24, 2024 (BSS) - Labors, owners, lawyers, distinguished citizens
and experts at a discussion today underscored the need for amending the
discriminatory Bangladesh EPZ Labour Act, 2019 for the welfare of the

"If the workers' rights of forming trade unions and collective bargaining in
the export processing area are established, it will be easier to solve labor
disputes and dissatisfaction," they said at a round table discussion
organised by Solidarity Center Bangladesh (SCB) at Gulshan here.
The experts said: "There are about 5 Lakh 16 thousand workers in nine EPZ
industrial zones in Bangladesh. Workers' right of enjoying equal rights must
be ensured through amending the Bangladesh EPZ Labor Act-2019."

The labor laws should be amended aimed at enabling workers to seek legal
redress for the wrongdoings to them as the existing law deprives them from
essential rights, they added.

Chaired by Solidarity Center Bangladesh Country Director AKM Naseem, the
discussion was addressed, among others, by its Deputy Country Director Monika
Hartsel, Legal Officer of Chief Inspector of Factories Masum Billah, Director
of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association Mohammad Sohel
Sadat and Eminent Lawyer Salim Ahsan Khan.

Sramik Karmachari Oikya Parishad (SCOP) leader Naimul Islam Khan Jewel,
President of the Sammilita Garment Shramik Federation Najma Akhter and Md
Asadul Haque also addressed the discussion.

The EPZ workers are being deprived as they cannot join any kind of political
or any other organisation, the speakers said, adding: "Only strong
organisations can ensure workers' rights."

The experts said: "In the light of recent changes in Bangladesh it can now be
claimed that EPZ workers should have rights consistent with international
standards, particularly the right to form unions."

Although the current EPZ Act allows the formation of workers' welfare
associations, these associations cannot be affiliated to any non-governmental
organisation, trade union or federation, they added.
AKM Nasim said the right to form workers welfare associations is also
undermined by creating various hidden obstacles by the Bangladesh Export
Processing Zone Authority.