24 Sep 2024, 22:29

Tarique Rahman mourns death of army officer Tanjim

DHAKA, Sept 24, 2024 (BSS) - Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman today expressed profound shock and sorrow at the death of an army officer Lt Md Tanjim Sarwar Nirjon, who was stabbed to death by miscreants, during a joint operation in Chakaria upazila of Cox's Bazar.

In a condolence message, he expressed grave concern and condemnation over the barbaric killing Tanjim Sarwar by miscreants and strongly demanded immediate arrest and exemplary punishment of the culprits.

Tarique Rahman said miscreants continue carrying out terrorist acts one after another to create unrest in the country following the ouster of the Awami autocratic ruler in students-people movement.

The conspirators are making various evil efforts to create troubles for the interim government, he added.

In continuation of that, the BNP Acting Chairman said, army officer Tanjim Sarwar Nirjon was brutally killed while performing duty last night.

The miscreants exposed their position through killing the young army officer, he said.

Tarique Rahman said if these miscreants cannot be dealt with iron hands, the security of the people's lives and properties will be exposed to serious threat.

Conspirators are lurking to take advantage through creating chaos, he added.

The BNP acting chairman urged the people of all classes and professions to remain united in resisting the miscreants to ensure the country's peace, stability and people's safety for establishing democracy.

Tarique Rahman prayed for eternal peace of the departed soul of the killed army officer and conveyed deep sympathy to the bereaved family members.

In separate condolence message, BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir also expressed grave concern over the brutal killing of the army officer by miscreants.

He also strongly demanded immediate arrest and exemplary punishment of the culprits.

Mirza Fakhrul conveyed deep sympathy to the bereaved family members.

Army officer Lt Md Tanjim Sarwar Nirjon was stabbed to death by miscreants at Dulahazara union in Chakaria upazila of Cox's Bazar last night.