24 Sep 2024, 23:41
Update : 25 Sep 2024, 00:36

Information adviser mourns death of noted journo Ruhul Amin Gazi

DHAKA, Sept 24, 2024 (BSS) - Information and Broadcasting Adviser Md Nahid Islam today expressed deep shock and sorrow at the death of noted journalist Ruhul Amin Gazi, president of Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists (BFUJ).

In a condolence message, he prayed for eternal peace of the departed soul and conveyed deep sympathy to the bereaved family members.
Nahid said the country has lost an eminent journalist at the death of Ruhul Amin Gazi. His death is an irreparable loss to the media, he said.
Ruhul Amin Gazi passed away at 9 pm today while undergoing treatment at the ICU of a private hospital in the capital.