25 Sep 2024, 12:53
Update : 25 Sep 2024, 12:57

Tarique Rahman mourns BFUJ President Ruhul Amin Gazi's death

DHAKA, Sept 25, 2024 (BSS) - Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman today expressed deep shock and sorrow at the death of Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists (BFUJ) President and noted journalist Ruhul Amin Gazi.

In a condolence message, he said, "Ruhul Amin Gazi played a courageous and praiseworthy role in ensuring freedom of expression".

He also said senior journalist Gazi, who used to believe in independent journalism, worked relentlessly with the great principle of objective journalism.

His fellow journalists will forever follow this spirit with respect, he hoped.

Tarique Rahman said his bold speech in favor of the freedom of speech of the people despite suffering prison and oppression was appreciated by the countrymen.

Despite facing anger from the fascist regime repeatedly, Gazi always played a leading role for democracy, he said.

Even in the face of the threat of undemocratic forces in his career, he was steadfast in fulfilling his duties, said the BNP acting chairman.

Noting that his contribution to the arena of journalism is undoubtedly undeniable, he also said his death created a deep wound in the hearts of democracy-loving people.

"Gazi's death made a vacuum which will not be fulfilled easily," he added.

Tarique Rahman prayed for eternal peace of his departed soul as well.
Gazi passed away on Tuesday while undergoing treatment at a private hospital in the capital.