25 Sep 2024, 18:21

Nahid recalls Gazi’s role in journalists’ welfare

DHAKA, Sept 25, 2024 (BSS)- Information and Broadcasting Adviser Md Nahid Islam has said the country has lost an eminent journalist at the death of Ruhul Amin Gazi.

“Gazi played a pioneer role for the welfare of journalists,” he said after attending his namaz-e-janaza at Jatiya Press Club here today.

Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalist (BFUJ) President Ruhul Amin Gazi died last night at a city hospital.

Gazi’s death is an irreparable loss to the media, he said adding that in the present situation of the country the presence of a leader like him was very essential.

The adviser urged the journalist community to follow the path showed by Gazi.

Nahid prayed for eternal peace of the departed soul and conveyed deep sympathy to the bereaved family.