08 Feb 2025, 16:07

3 crude bomb-like objects recovered in Farmgate, defused

The Bomb Disposal Unit of the CTTC, DMP defused three recovered crude bomb-like objects today. Photo: DMP Facebook page.

DHAKA, Feb 8, 2025 (BSS) - Police today recovered three crude bomb-like 
objects from the city's Faqrmgate area. 

After receiving a call over national emergency service number 999, Sher-e-
Bangla Nagar Police Station recovered crude bomb-like objects in a black bag 
on the sidewalk in front of Anand Cinema Hall in Farmgate area around 11:10 
in the morning, a police press release said.

Later, the Bomb Disposal unit of Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime 
(CTTC) of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) rushed to the place of 
occurrence and defused those, the release added.