11 Feb 2025, 23:36

Bangladesh ranks 14th in most corrupt countries list 

Dr M Iftekharuzzaman, executive director of Transparency International, spoke at Midas Center in the capital today. Photo : BSS

DHAKA, Feb 11, 2025 (BSS) - Bangladesh has been ranked 14th on list of the most corrupt countries across the world in 2024, according to Transparency International's (TI) Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). The country has been ranked 10th in 2023.

Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) released the CPI 2024 report at the Midas Center here today (Tuesday). Dr M Iftekharuzzaman presented the findings based on data received from November 2021 to September 2024.

According to the report, Denmark has been ranked the least corrupt country in the world while South Sudan holds the highest corruption level.

Considering the score, Iftekharuzzaman said Bangladesh's position has worsen by two steps this year, in ascending order and is the 151st among 180 countries and 14th in descending order.

According to the CPI 2024, Bangladesh's score is 23 which was the lowest score in the last 13 years. Congo and Iran are in the same position with Bangladesh with the same score, he added. 

Iftekharuzzaman said Bangladesh's low score and position this year proves that although the past authoritarian government has spoken against corruption in the past 13 years, in reality it has condoned and nurtured corruption.

He said as a result, Bangladesh's position has gradually deteriorated due to looting, state appeasement of corrupts, improper implementation of law, and overall structural weakness. 

However, apart from the anti-corruption rhetoric, the deposed Awami League government has not shown any concern about this. Even the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) and other relevant institutions responsible for combating corruption have failed to play their due role in this regard.

This index has been published every year by the Transparency International (TI) since 1995. Bangladesh was first listed in 2001. At that time, a total of 91 countries were included in the list.

TIB Advisor (Executive Management) Professor Sumaiya Khair, Director (Outreach and Communication) Mohammad Touhidul Islam were present at the press conference.