20 Mar 2025, 13:59

Police Headquarters issues safety advisory for Eid

DHAKA, March 20, 2025 (BSS) - The Police Headquarters today issued a safety advisory for passengers, owners and drivers of the bus, vessels including launches and speedboats and trains to ensure celebration of the upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr with near and dear ones safely.

"We are requesting the passengers, owners and drivers of the buses, trains and launches, speedboats and steamers to strictly follow the safety advisory," the statement said. 

If necessary, contact the control room of the Police Headquarters at 01320001300, 01320001299, Highway Police Headquarters at 01320182598, Railway Police Headquarters at 01320177598, Naval Police Headquarters at 01320169598, Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) at 01777720029 and the District Police Superintendent and Officer-in-Charge (OC) of the police station.

Following is the safety advisory:

Request to passengers:

Plan your Eid travel with sufficient time. Keep your own and family members' safety in mind while travelling. 

Do not urge the driver to drive at high speed. Avoid risking your life by becoming an additional passenger on the roof of the bus or travelling in trucks, pickups and other goods-carrying vehicles.

Use zebra crossings or foot overbridges when crossing the road. Where there are no zebra crossings or foot overbridges, cross the road safely by watching the movement of vehicles.

Seek police assistance if necessary. Do not drive at reckless speed. Refrain from accepting food/drinks from strangers.

Request to bus owners:

Do not allow incompetent, amateur, tired or sick drivers to drive passenger buses and cars. Instruct the driver to drive according to the rules and not to do risky overtaking. Unfit vehicles cannot be taken out on the road.

Request to bus drivers: Do not drive at over speed, do not do risky overtaking. Do not drive when tired, exhausted or sick. Always carry the necessary documents of the vehicle including the driving license. 

Do not pick up additional passengers on the bus.

Request to passengers of launches/steamers/speedboats: 

Do not risk your life by getting on a boat as an additional passenger. Do not travel on the roof of a boat. Avoid travelling on a boat in bad weather conditions by risking your life.

If there is a storm on the route, stay in your place instead of running around. Wear a life jacket when travelling on a speedboat.

Request to Launch/Steamer/Speedboat Owners:

Operate the vessel with a specified number and grade of masters and drivers. 

Stop the movement of vessels in adverse weather conditions. Make arrangements to temporarily close both sides of the master bridge of the vessel to prevent the free movement of passengers. Keep sufficient buoys on the launch.

Request to Launch/Steamer/Speedboat Drivers:

Leave the port with the vessel after knowing the weather forecast. Refrain from transporting goods on the passenger seating area on the deck. 

Keep sufficient number of buoys/life jackets on the vessel. 

If there is a risk of storm on the route, move the vessel to a safe place or keep it on the shore. 

Keep a mobile phone and radio in the vessel and listen to weather bulletins regularly. Use weather-related apps if necessary. Refrain from operating the vessel without valid documents.

Ensure the correctness of all fire pumps and fire-fighting equipment. 

In order to identify the accident-hit vessel, keep buoys with 100-150 feet long ropes and life jackets in the vessels.

Request to train passengers:

Refrain from risky travel on the roof, buffer, steps and engine of the train. Be careful about throwing stones while travelling in the train. Keep your belongings at your own risk while travelling in the train. Refrain from travelling in the train without a ticket.