28 Mar 2025, 22:36

Withdrawal of 6681 political cases recommended

DHAKA, March 28, 2025 (BSS) – The ministry-level committee has recommended the withdrawal of 6,681 politically motivated and harassing cases filed against political leaders, activists and innocent individuals due to political vengeance and other reasons.

This information was recently disclosed by the Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs in its website.

With the adviser to the Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Dr Asif Nazrul in the chair, the ministry-level committee, formed to recommend the withdrawal of politically motivated harassment cases, has so far recommended withdrawing a total of 6,681 cases in its nine meetings, according to the information in the ministry's website.

The Ministry of Home Affairs formed two committees at the district and ministry levels in order to recommend the withdrawal of politically motivated and harassment cases filed against political leaders, activists and innocent individuals due to political vengeance and other reasons.

The president of the ministry-level committee is the adviser to the Ministry of Law, Justice, and Parliamentary Affairs.

The members of this committee include the senior secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs’ Public Security Division, the additional secretary (Law and Order), the joint secretary (Law) and a representative from the Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs (not below the rank of Joint Secretary).

The member-secretary of the committee is the deputy secretary, senior assistant secretary or assistant secretary from the Law-1 wing of the Public Security Division of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

On the other hand, the district level committee’s president will be the district magistrate.

Its members include the superintendent of police (or a deputy commissioner of Police for metropolitan areas) and the public prosecutor (the Metropolitan public prosecutor for cases in metropolitan areas).

The member-secretary is the additional district magistrate.