06 Dec 2021, 20:34

BRAC to work for women empowerment at grassroots

  DHAKA, Dec 6, 2021 (BSS) - BRAC, a development organization, is planning to take up programmes to help raise the voices of oppressed and deprived women through awareness at the grassroots with an aim to establish their rights. 

  The organization will also help strengthen the partnership activities of partners NGOs in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), said a press release here.

  This was disclosed at a workshop titled 'Annual Progress and Experiencce Sharing' at a hotel in Cox's Bazar today.

   Narrating her ordeal at the event, Sajeda Begum, who was tortured by her husband, is now planning to mould public opinion for raising awareness on women rights, including early marriage, as a local woman representative.

  Sajeda hailing from Harinmara Bagan Pahar village of Raja Palong union of Ukhiya upazila of Cox's Bazar district, will now act as an icon of conscious women to raise awareness in the society.

  BRAC is going to take the steps so that awareness on the rights of women is created through dissemination of voices of oppressed women like Sajeda in the society, said the participants.

  Jointly supported by Australian Aid and BRAC, five partner NGOs of BRAC arranged the event for formulating future plan of action and recommendation in this regard.

  The five partner NGOs are: Society for Health Extension and Development (SHED), Programme for Helpless And Lagged Societies (PHALS), Alliance for Cooperation and Legal Aid Bangladesh (ACLAB), Jago Nari Unnayan Sangstha (JNUS), and NONGOR.

  Md Nasim Ahmed, Additional Deputy Commissioner (Development and Human Resources) of Cox's Bazar, attended the programme as the chief guest.

  Md Abdul Matin Shardar, Head of Host Community Programme under the Humanitarian Crisis Management Programme (HCMP) of BRAC, Didarul Alam Rashed, Executive Director of NONGOR, Tariqul Islam, Executive Director of ACLAB, Sheuli Sharma, Executive Director of JNUS; spoke at the function.

  Abu Murshed Chowdhury, Executive Director of PHALS, moderated the event.

  Nasim said the issue of rights and dignity of deprived people is more important along with their development.

  He stressed on ensuring social inclusion and building a knowledge-based society.