11 Jan 2022, 18:31
Update : 11 Jan 2022, 19:32

'Bangabandhu, Statesman of the Century' mural inaugurated

  KHULNA, Jan 11, 2022 (BSS) - The inaugural ceremony of the historical mural of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on “Bangabandhu, Statesman of the Century” was held today at BRB Ajogara Secondary School at Terokhada upazila in Khulna.

   Khulna Zilla Parishad Chairman Sheikh Harun-ur-Rashid inaugurated the mural as the chief guest on the school premises, saying the school has turned Liberation War image through set up the mural during 'Mujib Borsha' and golden jubilee of Independence of Bangladesh.

   Terming the school is a part of Liberation War heritage as Shaheed Minar, Memorial Monument of Genocide in 1971 was set up here, he said, adding that the school will be an example of pro-Liberation ideal school across the country.

  Marking the 'Mujib Barsha', at least 100 tree saplings were planted by the Assistant High Commissioner of India to Bangladesh Rajesh Kumar Raina as the guest of honour at the school premises. Students, teachers, guests and local people joined the plantation programme.

   Chief executive officer of Zilla Parishad Asaduzzaman, deputy director of local government Md Iqbal Hossain and secretary of Zilla Parishad Bisnupada Paul addressed as special guests.

  Chaired by the President of School Managing Committee Mallick Sudhangshu, headmaster of the school Ramendra Nath Mallick delivered the welcome speech.

  Established in 1994, the BRB Ajogora School is playing a vital role to spray education focus in the under privileged people, Now the school has turned an ideal school for setting the historical heritage of our Liberation War and mural of Bangabandhu.

  Earlier, a coultural programme was held cooperation with Khulna Shilpokola Academy.

   Later, construction works of Michel Modhusudan Academy started on the school premises.