13 Feb 2022, 18:20

27th anniversary of Bangladesh Coast Guard tomorrow

   DHAKA, Feb 13, 2022 (BSS) - The 27th anniversary of Bangladesh Coast Guard and 'Bangladesh Coast Guard Day-2022' will be observed in the country tomorrow in a befitting manner.

   In observance of the day, President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina issued separate messages extending greetings to all members of the coast guard.

   The President and the Prime Minister hoped that the members of the Coast Guard would work with sincerity and honesty to ensure foolproof security of the country's maritime and coastal regions.

  Both the president and the prime minister also lauded the role of the members of the coast guard in maintaining security of the country's waterways and resisting smuggling and human trafficking.

  In his message, President Abdul Hamid said, "Since its inception, Bangladesh Coast Guard has been playing an active role in protecting the law and order in maritime boundaries and coastal areas. The force is also working relentlessly in preventing infiltration, human trafficking, smuggling and piracy in the coastal areas of the country".

  It has been possible to bring down the rate of piracy in Chattogram Port to almost zero due to continuous operation of coast guard in the outer anchorage of the port, he said, adding that the coast guard has also been playing important role in protecting the national resource hilsa fish and curbing drug smuggling.

  The President said the incumbent government has taken massive steps to turn the Coast Guard into a two-dimensional force by 2030.

  In her message, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said the coast guard has been playing important role in expediting the activities related to the Blue Economy along with protecting the security in the country's vast coastal region.

  She said the coast guard started working when Awami League came to power in 1996 when the government built necessary infrastructures and other supports to the force.

  The government gave the fore two inshore vessels, one floating crane, two tug boats and 16 boats under different development programmes, she said, adding that a dockyard is being built in Gajaria to enhance its strength.

  The Prime Minister hoped that the coast guard would perform their duties with patriotism, sincerity and courage and contribute to implement 'Vision 2041'.

   The president and the premier wished all programmes of the day a success.