10 Mar 2022, 22:11
Update : 10 Mar 2022, 22:15

Hasan for actions for creating artificial crisis of food items

CHATTOGRAM, March 10, 2022 (BSS) - Information and Broadcasting Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud said today that stern actions will be taken against those who will try to create artificial crisis for food items in the country as there is no crisis of food items.

"BNP took programme on the issue of price hike but they are provoking dishonest traders to increase prices of essential commodities to create artificial crisis," he told the closing ceremony of book fair on gymnasium ground adjacent to MA Aziz Stadium in the city.

Hasan, also Awami League joint general secretary, said dishonest traders are doing anti-state acts by increasing prices of essentials and in the same way BNP is also making anti-state activities by provoking dishonest traders.

Noting that the government is monitoring the situation, he said the government would take stern actions against dishonest traders.

The minister said it is seen in European countries and other developed nations that prices of products are reduced before any festival or auspicious occasions.
But in Bangladesh, dishonest traders try to increase prices of essentials ahead of auspicious occasions, he said, adding that this tendency is sever dishonesty and fraudulence with the people.

About BNP leaders' comment that the AL government's farewell bell has already been rung, Hasan said BNP is ringing the farewell bell for the last 13 years sitting at their Nayapaltan office, but the people didn't respond to them.

He hoped that the people will again cast their votes in favour of Awami League to run the government amid BNP's ringing of bell.

Turning to development and progress of the government, the minister said
Bangladesh has made unprecedented development and progress in all sectors under the leadership of Bangabandhu's daughter Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

"As we are going through the change, many of us cannot feel it. The persons who are returning to the country after long time, they can witness the massive change," he mentioned.

Hasan said today the entire world is lauding the massive development of Bangladesh but some people of the country cannot praise the uplift.
Turning to book fair, he said in today's world, the habit of reading has reduced as people are spending their leisure on digital platform and some people are only chasing for money.

Mentioning that importance of reading books, he said reading books benefit both physical and mental health of a person.

The 19-day book fair was held under the arrangement of Chattogram City Corporation (CCC).

CCC Mayor Md Rezaul Karim Chowdhury chaired the closing ceremony while Deputy Commissioner Md Muminur Rahman and book fair arrangement committee
convener Councilor Dr Nisar Uddin Ahmed Manju also spoke on the occasion.