17 Jul 2021, 22:56

Matiar Rahman Talukder- unique example of patriotism: Murad

DHAKA, July 17, 2021 (BSS) - State Minister for Information and Broadcasting Dr Murad Hasan said, Advocate Matiar Rahman Talukder, a close associate of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, was a unique example of patriotism, dutifulness and love for the people.  

"He has struggled to uphold the spirit of the war of liberation and establish a non-communal society," Murad said.

"Therefore, in order to move ahead the today's democratic Bangladesh, Matiar Rahman Talukder must be  followed," he added.

He was speaking at a function organized by Sarishabari Upazila Awami League on the 13th death anniversary of Advocate Matiar Rahman Talukder on Friday, an organizer of the Liberation War, former member of Awami League central executive and former president of Jamalpur district Awami League, said a press release.

On this occasion, Sarishabari Upazila Awami League paid omage to late Matiur Rahman by offering Doa at his grave and organized Qur'an Khani, distributed food, arranged milad mahfil and discussion meeting.

Sarishabari Upazila Parishad Chairman Gias Uddin Pathan, Upazila Awami League President Sanwar Hossain Badshah and  Upazila Awami League General Secretary Harun Aur Rashid were present on the occasion.

Advocate Matiar Rahman Talukder, father of Murad Hasan, died on July 16, 2006.