04 Nov 2023, 21:16
Update : 05 Nov 2023, 08:50

Arsonists to be brought to book: Hasan

CHATTOGRAM, Nov 4, 2023 (BSS) - Information and Broadcasting Minister and Awami League Joint General Secretary Dr Hasan Mahmud today said the culprits who carried out arson attacks, killed police, attacked journalists and assaulted women would be brought to book.
"BNP has said that the final game will be held on October 28. But they left the field before the game. Police didn't fire a single shot. The BNP leaders including Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir left the stage hearing the sound of sound grenades," he said.
The minister was addressing a memorial meeting marking the 11th death anniversary of Awami League former presidium member late Akhtaruzzaman Chowdhury Babu at a convention centre in the city.
AL Chattogram city, North and South districts units oragnised the memorial meeting with city unit president Mahatab Uddin Chowdhury in the chair. 
Son of Akhtaruzzaman and Land Minister Saifuzzaman Chowdhury Jabed, deputy minister for education Barrister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury Nowfel, AL planning secretary Washika Ayesha Khan, MP, and social welfare secretary Aminul Islam Amin, among others, addressed it as special guests while AL Chattogram south district unit Mafizur Rahman conducted it.
Dr Hasan said BNP-Jamaat leaders have now become people's enemies as they burnt down public transports and killed people. They are worse than thieves and dacoits, he added.
The minister urged the public transport staff to take steps to resist any sorts of attack of miscreants on their vehicle. Everyone should create resistance against the miscreants, he said.
Hasan Mahmud said the government party has a responsibility to ensure peace and order in the country. "For this, we have to stay beside the people. Resistance should be created against the miscreants and terrorists at every ward," said the ruling party leader.
He said the miscreants would carry out chaos till the next elections and they want to foil the polls. 
"We want the BNP to take part in the polls to check their popularity. But, they are afraid of the election. For this, they started to attack people like 2013, 2014 and 2015. Even, they attacked the residence of the Chief Justice and judges' complex," said the information minister.
Recalling the contribution of veteran AL leader Akhtaruzzaman Chowdhury Babu to politics, the minister said everyone should take lessons from his life and works. He was a politician, philanthropist and a businessman, said Dr Hasan.
Saifuzzaman Chowdhury Jabed said his father never compromised with injustice.
Lawmakers Nazrul Islam Chowdhury and Mostafizur Rahman, Zila Parishad chairman ATM Pearul Islam, AL South district unit president Motaharul Islam Chowdhury, AL North district unit president MA Salam and general secretary Sheikh Ataur Rahman, among otherts, addressed the meeting.