13 Feb 2024, 20:51
Update : 14 Feb 2024, 09:08

Arafat praises Betar’s role in delivering reliable information

DHAKA, Feb 13, 2024 (BSS)- State Minister for Information Mohammad Ali Arafat today praised Bangladesh Betar in disseminating reliable information among people saying the role of the state run media is crucial when false and fabricated news as well as rumours have grasped social media.

“In this era of extreme excellence of information technology, Betar is facing major challenges. However, it has overcome this barrier through delivering reliable news and programmes according to its own standard,” he said.

The state minster said this while addressing a discussion as the chief guest at Betar Bhaban in the city’s Agargaon area marking the World Radio Day-2024.

Senior secretary of the Information and Broadcasting Ministry Md Humayun Kabir Khandaker and head of office and country representative of UNESCO Dhaka office Dr Susan Maree Vize spoke at the discussion as special guests with Bangladesh Betar Director General Rabindrashri Barua in the chair.

Arafat said Betar has to move forward competing with social media mostly now focusing on flashy and cheap entertainment, false and fabricated news and rumors.

But, through the news and programmes aired by Bangladesh Betar, he said, it can be clearly distinguished from the cheap and so-called popular social media.

“Therefore, this non-visual media is still recognized as the most reliable and mass-oriented media in the world,” the state minister added.

He said this year's theme 'Radio: A Century Informing, Entertaining and Educating' is very significant in the perspective of Bangladesh Betar as the state run media is performing extensive role in spreading information, entertainment and education.


He urged all working officers, employees and artistes of Betar to work realizing the importance of the theme.

Speaking about Betar's role during the country's 1971 Liberation War, Arafat said Bangladesh Betar had played an unforgettable role in all democratic movements of the country, including in the great Liberation War".

It is well known that the Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendra had played a unique role as a supporting force to the battlefield warriors in the Liberation War, he added.

The nation remembers Bangladesh Betar with gratitude for broadcasting Bangabandhu's 7th March speech on the radio and performing the historic duty standing by the freedom-seeking Bangalee people with courageous steps of its employees despite obstacles imposed by the then Pakistani dictator, Arafat continued.

Highlighting Betar's role in airing objective news of the government's development activities, including Padma Bridge, metro rail and Bangabandhu Tunnel, Arafat said, it had played significant role in involving the people in all developmental activities in the country.

Refereeing to freedom of press enjoyed by the mass media in the country, Arafat said apart from Bangladesh Betar, 22 commercial FM radios and 18 community radios are now in operation in Bangladesh.

He hoped that Bangladesh Betar as well as other commercial FM radios and community radios being imbued with the spirit of the great Liberation War will work tirelessly to build a developed Bangladesh and improve the living standard of people.

Later, the state minister enjoyed a culture function performed by the artistes of Bangladesh Betar.