13 Feb 2024, 17:04

35th divisional annual sports competition 2024 held in Rajshahi

RAJSHAHI, Feb 13, 2024 (BSS) - The 35th divisional annual sports competition 2024 was held at the playground of Physical Education College here today.

Large number of officers and employees from different government offices and their offspring from all eight districts in Rajshahi division joined the sports meet.

A total of 325 of the participants took part in different events. 
Senior Secretary to the Ministry of Public Administration Mesbah Uddin Chowdhury attended the ceremony as chief guest, while Commissioner of Rajshahi division Dr Dewan Muhammad Humayun Kabir was in the chair. 

Deputy Inspector General of Police Anisur Rahman, Commissioner of Rajshahi Metropolitan Police Biplob Bijoy Talukder and Deputy Commissioner of Rajshahi Shamim Ahmed were also present.
Speaking on the occasion, Mesbah Uddin Chowdhury said the sports competition has created scopes of interaction among officers and employees of different offices.

It's also important in the fields of establishing and expressing love and affection among them.

The public administration secretary said the government has adopted various programmes for building Smart Bangladesh by 2041 envisioned by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

As part of it, he added that such types of sports competitions are being arranged to inspire the government employees besides providing incentives to them. 

Later, they handed over trophies and prizes among the winners of different events.