09 Feb 2022, 20:35

Prince resigns as Tigers batting coach

DHAKA, Feb 9, 2022 (BSS0—Ashwell Prince has resigned as Bangladesh’s batting coach today. His decision came all of a sudden, cricket operation chairman of Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) Jalal Yunus.

Prince was given contract until the Twenty20 World Cup, which will be held in October-November this year.

Yunus said Prince resigned from the post due to his family reasons.

"We have received his resignation letter on email a few minutes ago. He has cited family reasons for his decision," Yunus said here today.

The former South Africa batsman was appointed batting consultant of the National side during the Tour of Zimbabwe in August 2021 and had nine months remaining in his contract.

BCB CEO Nizam Uddin Chowdhury said: “The Board respects Ashwell’s decision and accepts the resignation. We thank him for his service and professionalism and his dedicated work with the National Team batsmen and wish him the very best for his future endeavours.”

Prince’s decision came after BCB appointed Jamie Siddons, the former Bangladesh coach, as batting consultant. Even though Siddons’ role was not finalized, he was supposed to take the job of national team’s batting department.

Prince was supposed to transfer to HP though no decision was official as of now.

When Siddons was appointed in December, board president Nazmul Hassan had said it was "not yet finalised in which area he will work in, whether it is the High Performance, Under-19s or the senior team".

Siddons is currently watching the BPL to find out more about the local talent before firming things up.

Prince played 119 matches across three formats and scored 4688 runs. He had completed  Level 3 coaching after retiring from the professional cricket. He acted as the batting consulted and chief coach of South Africa A team.