16 Sep 2024, 16:53
Update : 17 Sep 2024, 12:24

Riaz’s family stares at a bleak future losing only breadwinner

BHOLA, Sept 17, 2024 (BSS) - Md Riaz, 25, a day labourer hailing from Jatrabari area of the capital was killed by members of law enforcement agency on August 5, as he joined a joyous procession following downfall of the autocratic ruler Sheikh Hasina.
Riaz’s physically disabled father, Abdur Rob, now sees a bleak future at the death of his only breadwinner son. Riaz, being the eldest son, was the sole provider of his parents residing in Doulatkhan upazila of Bhola district under Charkhalifa union. He also bore the expenses of his two younger brothers aged 12 and 14 respectively.
Riaz’s father said due to financial hardship, Riaz could not continue his studies after completing grade 3. “As soon as he grew up, he took the responsibility of his parents and two younger brothers. He took up the job of day laborer in Dhaka. Besides maintaining his own family, he used to send money to his parents every month,” he added.
Talking to BSS correspondent, Riaz’s father said my son’s body was recovered from gate no. 3 of Jatrabari thana on August 5.   Like Riaz, hundreds of people had to face martyrdom being shot by members of law enforcement agency.
In an emotion-choked voice, Riaz’s father said, “I want justice for my son's killing. Since my son’s earning was our only source of income, I urge the government to stand beside us and help us for maintaining our family.”
 Riaz used to live in a small-rented house in Saddam market area at Jatrabari of the capital. After his death, his wife Farzana, their seven-year-old daughter Fatima, and four-year-old daughter Faria, now faces an uncertain future.  
Martyr Riaz’s wife Farzana said Riaz got actively involved in the movement as soon as it (movement) gained momentum, following participation of mass people from various cross-section of the society.
Farzana said, “Riaz last went to work on August 1. Although I urged him repeatedly not to participate actively in the movement, he didn’t listen to me. Riaz had profound love for his country. When the student announced a ‘one-point’ demand to oust dictator Sheikh Hasina he joined them to make the movement successful.”
Recounting that fateful day, Farzana said, “On August 5, Riaz went out of his house at 7:45am  to join the students’ movement. We got the news of his death at 12 noon. He was shot by policemen. Later, with the help of local people, Riaz’s body was recovered from gate no. three of Jatrabari police station. He was buried at Doulatkhan village under Bhola upazila the following day.
Farzana said martyr Riaz sacrificed his life to bring second independence for the country. “I urge the government to give him the honour of a ‘Martyr’,” she said.
Farzana is now leading a life full of hardship. She is now staying at her parents’ home in Jatrabari area with her two daughters. Her father is not financially solvent. She requested the government and the affluent people of the society to stand by them.
The fearless participation of millions of people in the upsurge eventually brought an end to the autocracy led by Sheikh Hasina forcing her to flee the country to India after stepping down from the prime minister. But hundreds of people had to face martyrdom and thousands of people were severely injured experiencing untold sufferings.